Media Advisory - Election Year Social Studies Webinar on March 18
Panelists: Stefanie Wager, Iowa Dept of Ed, President-Elect of NCSS; Dr. Paula McAvoy, Author of The Political Classroom
Overview: Inquiry-based social studies empowers students to participate in the civic life of their local, state, and national communities. How can a contentious election year provide an opportunity to explore civic participation? What are the challenges educators face in polarized environments?
A panel discussion on Wednesday, March 18th at 4:30 p.m. EDT will discuss explore these questions and others.
Stefanie Wager, Iowa Department of Education, President-Elect of the National Council for the Social Studies
Dr. Paula McAvoy, Assistant Professor of Social Studies Education, NC STATE College of Education, Author of The Political Classroom: Evidence and Ethics in Democratic Education.
Who Should Attend: Teachers, administrators, and media exploring the opportunities and challenges of teaching election year social studies
Register at either of these locations (no charge to register):
- #Education experts discuss teaching #socialstudies in an election year on Mar 18 at 4:30 EDT. #edchat Register or