Private Press Panel - 4 university VPs (and a data scientist) take questions about 2025 admissions cliff - COMPLETED
Panels are for media only. No scripts. No canned presentations. Ask questions and get real quotes (and you don't even need to be there!)

Topic: Adjusting to the Demographic Pothole in College Admissions
DATE: Wednesday, January 20, 2021 2:00-2:10 p.m. EST
Transcript, images, story ideas and key takeaways here:
Just as colleges and universities are recovering from COVID, a sizeable demographic pothole is waiting. According to data from WICHE and the Dept. of Education, in 2025, the number of high school graduates will start to recede, choking the pipeline of traditionally aged college students at an especially vulnerable time. Estimates are that high school graduations will fall by double-digits over the decade between 2025 and 2035. Some colleges are better prepared than others but the consequences could be significant especially for private and small colleges, many of which fill a critical gap in higher ed, giving a pathway for underserved and at-risk populations to earn a college degree.
We’ve assembled 4 university admissions officers and an expert in analysis of admissions and recruitment data to take questions from reporters and freelance writers.
- Keith Ramsdell, VP of Enrollment Management at Ashland University
- Kishan Zuber, Vice President of Enrollment Management & Marketing at Wilkes University
- Dr. Blake Bedsole, VP of Enrollment Management at Arkansas Tech
- David Hautanen, Jr., Vice President for Enrollment Management at St. Mary’s College of Maryland
- Andrew Hannah, Adjunct Professor of Analytics at the University of Pittsburgh, co-founder of Othot
For Media only - How this Works
- Reporters, send questions ahead of time or during the panel. We ask the panelists your questions and send to you -- and you only -- a time-stamped video transcript (here's a sample) with your specific responses. Unscripted. Unedited.
- Reporters may attend but need not be present (as long as your questions have been sent ahead of time). We're trying to save you time and give you great access.
- Yes, we'll make connections for you to the panelists if you need more than the panel provided.
- The first 20 minutes are open for general questions and open to an audience. When we get into the private questions, the audience is dismissed so that no one else has access to your questions.
- Submit questions here:
- Need to know more? Email Jennifer Harrison at or